We’re inviting you to learn about amber and other fossils formation. Together we will look over prehistoric phase from the disappearance of dinosaurs 60 million years ago and amber formation 40-50 million years ago till this day.
We will examine extraordinary features of Baltic amber.
Creative challenge of education – make the unique amber friendship bracelet for yourself or your best friend.
This program suits to all groups of age, because it is easy adapt to different needs. With adults participants we care about health, we drink amber tea, and with children we have more experiments and stories about dinosaurs.
Venue: Raudondvaris manor art incubator (Pilies takas 1, Raudondvaris, Kaunas distr.)
Duration: 1-1:30 hour
Number of participants at the same time: from 5 to 65
Languages: LT, EN
Registration: +370 687 118 26 or amber.area@gmail.com
More info.: www.facebook.com/balticaamber