raudondvario dvaras

Amber area

AMBER AREA is a company that trades its land’s “gold”. This is a family business that seeks to maintain old traditions and at the same time presents new approach to such beautiful miracle of nature – amber. Artist Lina Paknytė-Šetkuvienė is a representative of “Amber area” in Raudondvaris Manor art incubator. Lina graduated from Kaunas fine art institute and acquired artistic education allows her to take a broader look at traditional material.

“Amber area” creative studio welcomes those who want to learn more or rediscover amber. During workshop participants will be able to paint with small pieces of amber on a light table, to dig fossils from kinetic sand or to discover a suitable Baltic amber jewelry – an amulet.


phone: +370 687 11826

e-mail: info@amber-area.com

More: www.amber-area.com
