Exhibition "Near and Far" by Lithuanian and French artists

August 1-13 a joint exhibition “Near and Far” by Lithuanian and French artists is taking place at the art incubator of Raudondvaris manor.
The exhibition is organized by the French association of artists ARTEC (https://artec-artmondial.fr/en)
“Project Near and Far – Lointains et Proches was born from the desire to encourage as much as possible the exchange and communication of artists from all over the world. <…>ARTEC has always believed and still believes today that all cultural exchanges are enriching in a professional and spiritual sense, and any isolation is a road to nowhere, to spiritual poverty. <…>
Therefore, this project, which is intended to organize an exhibition of French artists in Lithuania and an exhibition of Lithuanian and French artists in France, coinciding with the Year of Lithuania in France (2024), is so timely and relevant.”
Visiting hours of the exhibition:
I-IV 10:00-17:00
V 10:00-15:45
Visiting is free.