Hunting trophies exhibition at Raudondvaris Manor!

Event program:
12:00 Holy Mass
12:40 Festive walk with flags, trumpets and soldiers to Raudondvaris Manor
13:00 Exhibition opening
13:30 Concert, bonfire, hunters feast
Concert performers: group THUNDERTALE.
This summer hunters union “Gamta” and Sūduvos hunters union organize common hunting trophies exhibition in Raudondvaris. Organizations uniting hunters of South Lithuania were founded 15 years ago. During the years the number of hunters grew, their experience accumulated and organizations got stronger and developed more, many interesting trophies were gathered. The capability to hold an exhibition which meets the standards, prepare catalogues and other necessary documents shows corresponding maturity and values of organizations.
Exhibition is dedicated to 100th anniversary of Restored Lithuania. Exhibition will be open from 23d June till 4th August.